Sunday 9 October 2011

Bare Faced

for the passed month or so ive truly been obsessed with girls wearing no make up!
its the first time im noticing how beautiful bare skin can actually be ..

dont get me wrong im not giving up on mascara, blush, a bit of bronzer, lip balm and especially eyeshadow for my eyebrows....BUT.. im really starting to hate foundation...
and even eyeshadow on the lids...
im just starting to notice how extremely fake it looks...

unfortunately with all the acne scarring i have left i cant go completely without make up..but i only cover up those areas with concealer and i stopped using powder completely! to be honest it doesnt work anyway..does powder REALLY control your shine? cause it does nothing for me..

right now im focusing on skin care..and the most important thing for me ..DIET..after trying everything else out i know now how important diet is to my skin.. the problem is when you ate whatever you wanted your whole life because you are one of those "lucky" people that eat fatty/sugary food and gain no weight dont stop to think if this is affecting you in another way...

so now im TRYING to follow an anti-inflammatory, anti-candida diet and taking a whole lot of supplements...

im really trying to discipline myself because id really love to walk around with no foundation but with alot of confidence :)

any thoughts? im starting to feel like this no make up look is a new trend...

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